The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 American film produced and co-written by Tim Burton. The story revolves around the king of Halloweentown, a character named Jack Skellington. Jack somehow opens a portal that leads him to Christmastown. He then decides to try to pull off Christmas instead of his usual Halloween. The film has since become a holiday tradition and merchandise from the film is as popular today as it has been since the release of the film in 1993. Here are some great Nightmare Before Christmas gifts that are perfect for gift giving this holiday season.
The Nightmare Before Christmas Monopoly Game
Fun for adults and children alike, board games are always a great gift giving idea and a favorite gift for children to receive on holidays. Monopoly is a classic, and this game has a fun twist because the board features the magical world of Halloweentown.
Monopoly The Nightmare Before Christmas Collector’s Edition
In this game, players will buy and sell properties featured in the movie. Features a standard Monopoly sized board and six collectible pewter tokens featuring Evil Teddy, the Mayor’s Hearse, Oogie Boogie, Jack’s Skull, Sally, and Zombie Duck. This game is perfect to play with friends and family as you gather around to celebrate the holidays together.
Nightmare Before Christmas “Bones” Automotive Floor Mats
If you’re searching for Nightmare Before Christmas gifts for someone who owns a car, why not get them floor mats for their car featuring Jack’s grinning skull? These make a great gift idea for any driver and fan of the movie, and will help keep the interior of the car clean, especially during those winter months of snow, salt, and slush.
Set of two floor mats includes one shaped to fit on the driver’s side floor and one square mat to fit on the passenger side floor. Mats are black and have skulls and bones imprinted into them. Each mat also features Jack’s skull and purple bats, two on the smaller mat and three on the larger mat. Mats are made from rubber and are made to be slip proof and to resist cracking, fading, or peeling. Makes the perfect gift for fans of a Nightmare Before Christmas, and a useful gift too!
Nightmare Before Christmas 2016 Premium Calendar
When shopping for Nightmare Before Christmas gifts, you can choose one that continues to give throughout the entire year. This 2016 calendar is a sixteen month wall calendar that will look great displayed in any home or office setting. A practical gift that is also fun and will make the recipient remember your thoughtfulness every time they glance at it.
Nightmare Before Christmas – 2016 Calendar
The cover of the calendar features a purple background and the character of Jack Skellington. Calendar size is 11.5 inches by 11.5 inches.
Nightmare Before Christmas Dark Love Tee Shirt
When shopping for Nightmare Before Christmas gifts, keep in mind that many people like to receive clothing items as holiday gifts. This is just one reason that makes the Dark Love tee shirt a great gift idea. Shirt is available in the color black and features authentic and detailed artwork on the front.
Nightmare Before Christmas – Dark Love
Design features Jack Skellington with a red background behind him, gray bats flying overhead, and a large gray spider near the bottom of the tee shirt. The words Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is on the left hand side of the shirt in white lettering. Shirt is available in sizes small, large, extra large, and extra extra large. Scoop neck collar and short sleeves make this both a fashionable and comfortable wear.
Nightmare Before Christmas Jack 3-D Bookmark
If you’re looking for Nightmare Before Christmas gifts on a budget, offers several colorful bookmarks featuring characters from the movie. One of these designs is the 3-D Jack Skellington bookmark that measures 3 by 9 inches.
Nightmare Before Christmas – Jack 3-D Bookmark
This bookmark is the perfect inexpensive gift, perhaps for a budget friendly gift exchange, or makes the perfect stocking stuffer for a fan of the film. Colorful blue background features bones, skulls, and screaming faces, while Jack stands with his pin-striped suit in the center. Near the bottom of the bookmark are scary Jack-o-lantern faces and tombstones. Other bookmark designs featuring Jack Skellington, Jack and Sally, and a Jack and Sally Collector’s Beaded Bookmark are also offered on this website. Perfect for the combination bookworm and Nightmare Before Christmas lover.
Nightmare Before Christmas “Sandy Claws” Poster
This Sandy Claws poster features an attractive purple background with the Jack Skellington character dressed up like Sandy Claws. Jack has on a red Santa suit and hat ,long white beard, and is carrying a large green bag. Silhouette of the city can be seen in the background.
Nightmare Before Christmas – Sandy Claws
Poster is printed with offset lithography press and is coated with a protective coating that protects the inks used in printing. Poster measures 22 by 34 inches and is suitable for framing. This makes a great decorative touch for any die hard Nightmare Before Christmas fan to display in their room or office, and would also make a great addition to any Christmas decor to add to your home as a whimsical, seasonal wall hanging. The poster alone can be purchased for $7.99 from, and a framed Lamina version is available in a 24 by 36 inch size for a price of $39.99.
Many other posters featuring the Nightmare Before Christmas theme are also available, including an anniversary poster featuring several characters from the film.