The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 American film produced and co-written by Tim Burton. The story revolves around the king of Halloweentown, a character named Jack Skellington. Jack somehow opens a portal that leads him to Christmastown. He then decides to try to pull off Christmas instead of his usual Halloween. The film has […]
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Kurt Adler Halloween Lights and Decor
Updated for 2017 For over 65 years, Kurt Adler has been a leading importer of Holiday decorations. They offer a full line of holiday decorating items for all holidays, including Halloween. Here we take a look at some of the Kurt Adler Halloween lights and decor that will make your celebration even spookier. 22″ Pre-Lit […]
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Halloween Salt and Pepper Shakers
Halloween provides the perfect opportunity to decorate your home both inside and outside. For inside, dressing up the kitchen and dining area is a great way to be festive. As part of your Halloween table decor, consider adding some adorable, or slightly creepy, Halloween salt and pepper shakers to spice things up a bit. Halloween […]
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Build a Skeleton Halloween Wall Decal
If you are looking for fun Halloween decorating activities for your kids, or for several kids at a Halloween party, then a great idea is to have them build a skeleton decoration using this Build a Skeleton Halloween Wall Decal. Wall decals are a new and upcoming decorating trend that is easy to use, and […]
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Halloween Witch Craft Wall Decal
If you are looking for some fun and easy wall decor for Halloween, consider these cool Halloween wall decals. Wall decals are the newest fashion in wall decorating, because they are so easy to use, and they go on and come off with very little time or effort. That way you can use a wall […]