They May Be Tacky, But Halloween Inflatables are Plain Old Fun!
Halloween has come a long way since I was a kid. We used to make our own costumes, and go house to house for candy with my dad. We would come home with our loot, and spread it all out on the table, then trade for our favorites.
Now, Halloween parties and decorations are all the rage, and one of the most fun additions are the huge Halloween inflatable yard decorations. Here are just a few of my choices if I had a yard big enough to put them in. Maybe by the time I have grandchildren. . .
The best of the best, this huge blow up toy can be put in front of your door to welcome in the kids seeking treats. This one has everything that any Halloween set up needs. This self-inflates for easy setting up, no hard work needed. It folds up easily once deflated for storage.
4 Foot Halloween Inflatable 3 Jack-O-Lanterns Yard Art Decoration
If you want something that is cute instead of scary, this inflatable set of Jack-o-lanterns will light up your front yard, or use it indoors for a Halloween party. Great for young children, it is a friendly Halloween decoration.
These Inflatable Halloween Decorations are Really Cute!
I’ve always thought that inflatable decorations were tacky, but these are just plain cute. For a night of trick-or-treating you can put out one of these toys and no one will skip your house. Easy to set up, most of these blow up yard decorations can be used either indoors or outdoors in any weather. They do not need special tools or pumps, but self-inflate quickly instead.
Without the work of blowing them up, getting them where you need them is a breeze. Both kids and adults will notice your house as they tromp through the neighborhood.
I have to say that the black cat is another of my favorites. Who can resist having a human sized black cat in your yard on Halloween. To make it even funnier, get a tape of a cat meowing and play it when kids get close to your home.
Inflatable Halloween Animated Dragon
Here is another great inflatable entryway to your front door. You can enhance this item with additional spooky Halloween lights or more characters to lead up to the inflatable entrance.
Last but not least, is this cute vampire inflatable. I have only shown you a few choices on this page. You can see even more by clicking through the links to Amazon. With the influx of vampire shows, and vampire movies, this cute vamp will be very popular with your guests. Add an audio element by putting a soundtrack on a loop to play over and over as kids come by on Halloween.
Inflatable and Halloween Decorations Display
How to repair Halloween inflatables
Vinyl patch kit
Tissue paper
Hair dryer
Duct tape
Holes in the material
- Look and listen for the source of the leak. If you can’t keep the inflatable full of air, there is most likely a tear in the surface or a puncture. A slow leak can be cause by a hole the size of a safety pin prick which can be hard to locate. A larger hole may keep the inflatable from filling up at all. If you can’t find the hole visually, place a thin tissue paper over the surface and listen for a hissing sound.
- You can patch visible holes with duct tape. Layer over the hole two or three times to keep it sealed. Make sure to do this in a dry place because the seal will hold better if dry.
- For larger holes, you can apply a vinyl patch. Patch kits are usually available through the manufacturer or at a hardware store. These use a special glue and heat to keep the area sealed.
Inflating component
- Inflatables use a motor-run device to push air inside. This device can be a fan or motor. If your circuit breaker isn’t set up for this power level, it can switch off and stop powering the unit.
- To repair the machine, unplug it from the outlet. If there is a covering, remove it and look for a broken fuse which can be replaced. Your unit may come with extra parts. If not, you can purchase a fuse from a hardware store or electronics store.
- If the plug is damaged or wires are frayed, you can replace the plug and cord. Do not use the power supply if the plug or wires are damaged because it could cause a fire.
More Inflatables
Haunted CarriageInflatable Frankenstein
Animated Ghost
Zombie Gnome
Animated Black Cat
Minion Bob
Monster Hand
Hello Kitty as Bat
Pumpkin with Witch Hat
Dead Tree w/ Ghost
Pumpkin Head Reaper
Halloween Ghost Trio
Ghost on Pumpkin
Grim Reaper
Ghost Rider
Headless Horseman
Stack Characters
Lighted Jack O’Lantern